Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you can find the most frequently asked questions and their detailed answers about London Gate College. Whether it's about our educational programs, admission processes or more, all the information you need is right here! If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. At London Gate College, we are always by your side on your educational journey!


What programmes does London Gate College offer?

London Gate College offers programmes starting from Level 3 (Level A – Foundation) up to Level 7 (Master’s/MBA). These include online programmes and the possibility to transition to physical universities in the UK.

Who can apply to London Gate College?

Students aged 16 and above with at least A2 level English proficiency can apply. Those who have not completed high school can start at Level A, while high school graduates can begin directly at Level 4.

What is Level 3 (Level A - Foundation)?

Level 3 is a pre-university programme that prepares students for higher education. It is designed for students who have not yet completed high school but are 16 years old or older.

Can high school graduates skip Level 3?

Yes, students who have completed high school can directly start at Level 4, equivalent to the first year of university.

What is the cost difference between studying at London Gate College and a UK university?

Studying at London Gate College for two years online and skipping Level 3 can save students approximately $150,000, as opposed to studying at a UK university.

What do 60 credits and 120 credits represent in the London Gate College programme?

In the London Gate College programme, credits are used to measure the workload of your programmes.

60 credits typically represent half of an academic year, also known as a semester. Completing 60 credits means you’ve completed one semester’s worth of study.

120 credits represent a full academic year of study. To progress through each level of your programme (such as Level 4, Level 5, etc.), you will generally need to complete 120 credits per year.

What subjects are covered in Level 3?

Level 3(level A) includes subjects such as Accountancy, Business Management, Engineering, Information Technology, and others, each offering 60 to 120 credits.

What are Levels 4 and 5?

Levels 4 and 5 correspond to the first and second years of university education. These can be completed online at London Gate College.

Can I transfer to UK universities to attend in person after completing Levels 4 and 5?

Yes, after completing Levels 4 and 5, students can transfer to UK universities to attend in person and complete the final year (Level 6), ultimately obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

What are the benefits of completing my studies at London Gate College?

Benefits include significant cost savings, the flexibility of online education, and the guaranteed opportunity to transfer to a UK universities in person for further studies.

Is the education at London Gate College recognized internationally?

Yes, the diplomas and certificates issued by London Gate College are recognized internationally, as they are approved by Ofqual (the UK’s Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation).

Can I apply to London Gate College while studying at another institution?

Yes, students can apply and study at London Gate College while simultaneously enrolled in another high school or university, as the programmes are recorded and can be watched later.

What is Level 6 (Bachelor’s Final Year)?

Level 6 is the final year of a bachelor’s degree programme, which students can complete either at a UK university or online through London Gate College.

What options are available after completing Level 6?

After completing Level 6, students can choose to pursue a master’s degree (Level 7) either online or at a physical university in the UK.

What is Level 7 (Master’s/MBA)?

Level 7 is a master’s level programme, including MBA programmes, which can be completed online with an option to do the thesis stage at a UK university.

How does London Gate College support international students?

London Gate College provides internationally recognized qualifications, flexible online study options, and assistance with university transfers in the UK.

What language proficiency is required for admission?

Applicants need to demonstrate A2 level English proficiency either through international exams or an interview conducted by London Gate College.

Can I apply directly to a UK university after high school?

Generally, students are required to complete Level 3 in the UK. However, at London Gate College, high school graduates can bypass this and start directly at Level 4.

How are the programmes delivered at London Gate College?

Programmes are delivered online via LMS and CRM systems, and all materials are approved by UK authorities.



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